Return Policy

We will gladly exchange, credit or refund the purchase directly from our store if returned within 30 days of the shipping date, unless otherwise stated herein. Products must be returned new, in its original condition at the time of purchase, with original tags and tickets attached. No returns or exchanges will be accepted if the product has been used or worn.

Products purchased between November 15th and December 18th will be accepted for return through January 18th. Products purchased after December 18th is subject to the terms stated above.

If you are a domestic customer in the United States and would prefer for us to email you a return label, we only charge you $6.95 for return postage. We do not provide return labels for international returns.

Here are the steps:

  • Connect with customer support for a return label if needed here
  • Include your original Order Confirmation in the return
  • Track your shipment

Ensure the return label is securely attached to the outside of the package. If reusing the original packaging, please ensure no other addresses are visible. You can return using any parcel service, although we recommend a service that provides a tracking service.

Please ensure that you obtain proof of postage and retain it until you are refunded. If products are lost in transit, unfortunately, we cannot be responsible for the cost.

Please enclose the original order details and a copy of the receipt with the product and package securely. All refunds will be issued to the original method of payment and in the original currency of purchase. Refunds will be processed as soon as possible after the returned item is inspected and approved for return. We request that all items are in original packaging with all tags attached and accompanied by the original receipt.

All returns and exchanges should be sent to:

c/o Legendary Holdings, LLC
2840 W Orange Ave
Apopka, FL 32703